September 11, 2023


Wedding planning can be stressful. You have so many details to consider, from the venue, flowers, dress, guest list, and on and on and on. The bar service is another one of those details. Here are some helpful tips to ensure the bar service at your wedding goes smoothly.

What type of bar experience do you want to provide your guests? 

This may seem like an obvious answer, but everyone has different expectations when it comes to the type of bar service being presented at a wedding.  It would be helpful to ask yourself what have been your favorite bar experiences that you have been to. Do you enjoy it when the event has an open bar with the typical beer, wine, and traditional mixed drinks? What would a wedding bar service look like if you created your own signature cocktails with the help of the bar vendor? Taking the time to decide on the overall experience you want for your guests and communicating that to the bar service vendor, will help ensure a smooth bar experience.